
Sex Offender Registry+.

InformData is committed to making people-data equitably accessible to all.

Assess your sex offender registry data needs with an InformData specialist.

CRAs modern solution for real-time, PII-based Sex Offender Registry Searches.

  • Cost Efficiency: Unlock remarkable savings by slashing labor costs and resource expenditures associated with traditional search
  • Near-Instant Results: Harness the power of SOR+ to swiftly process search outcomes within seconds, reducing turnaround times and enhancing operational efficiency.​
  • Labor Elimination: Bid farewell to the burden of manual labor as SOR+ efficiently identifies genuine matches, freeing your team to focus on high-value tasks.​
  • Elevated Profitability: By streamlining your operations and reducing manual interventions, SOR+ empowers you to amplify your profitability like never before.​
  • Reduced Litigation Risk: With SOR+, you can be confident that the records you report are accurate, verified, and relevant, fostering trust among your clients.
Chat with an InformData SOR+ expert today to learn how this innovative product is purpose-built to address your pain points and transform the way you conduct sex offender registry searches.