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Clean Slate Laws in the United States.

Clean Slate laws are rapidly gaining traction nationwide. The legislation and implementation methods vary from state to state, making it complex and challenging for Consumer Reporting Agencies to navigate. As the laws become more prevalent, staying informed is essential. Our Clean Slate Movement Hub is dedicated to keeping you up to date on state involvement and various InformData resources so you can navigate these laws successfully.

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Clean Slate Map

This map provides an overview of states that have enacted Clean Slate laws or have pending bills.

Click on a state on the map below for a link to the related Clean Slate information.

States with Laws Enacted
States with Pending Bills

States with pending bills

*There is no guarantee that a pending bill will go through to signature by governor or enactment.


12 states have passed Clean Slate Laws

Pennsylvania (2018)

Utah (2019)

New Jersey (2019)

Michigan (2020)

Connecticut (2020)

Delaware (2021)

Virginia (2021)

Oklahoma (2022)

Colorado (2022)

California (2022)

Minnesota (2023)

New York* (2023)

InformData's Clean Slate Law Resources