The place CRAs become Informed
Need Information?
Our customers know it’s all about the data. Reliable. Accurate. Trustworthy information. That's why the data provided through Connect is the world's largest repository of Direct-Source Data®, not a third-party, middle-man mess. Our CRA clients process more than 48 million Direct-Source Data queries per year through Connect. Terabytes of first-person research at your fingertips. This is the database CRAs trust to operate and scale their business.
Be Informed.
Using Connect, our CRA customers are always informed. Over 1 million times in the past year our CRA customers have used Connect, the cloud-based, Direct-Source Data platform, to gain fast, reliable, trustworthy insights and business intelligence you can’t get anywhere else, at any price. This is just one of the ways that InformData enables your business to be competitive, to scale effortlessly and consistently delight your customers.
Benefits of InformData's
Connect Platform:
Connect puts you in control.
Putting you in control of your business is what InformData is all about. Whether it’s Criminal Record Data, Resume Verifications, International Background Checks or Medical Compliance Data … or all the above… that are your business specialty, Connect provides you with the data your customers expect when you need to provide it. Build your business with confidence. Build your business on Connect.