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January 29, 2024 | background screening

2023: A Year in Review at InformData

Reflecting on a full calendar year at InformData reveals a strengthened commitment to providing top-tier people-data solutions and leaving the world more informed. In 2023, we dedicated ourselves to elevating the experience for our Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) customers, pushing the boundaries of innovation, and establishing ourselves as a trusted source of industry knowledge. Let's take a closer look at some of the milestones that defined our journey.

The Highlights

Our primary goal in 2023 was to be more than just a provider of background screening data and products; we aspired to be an extraordinary partner for our clients. And while perfection might remain on the horizon, we embraced every challenge as a springboard for growth, refined our offerings, and delivered tangible results:

  • Precision: We processed nearly 56 million public record searches in 2023 while maintaining an accuracy rating of 99.97%, thanks to our Direct-Source Data® methodology.
  • Optimization: We focused our attention on system performance, resulting in a 75% improvement in system efficiency and responsiveness. This means faster data for you and faster decisions for your clients.
  • Innovation: Recognizing industry frustrations with the lack of personally identifiable information (PII) on traditional sex offender registry searches, we launched SOR+TM (Sex Offender Registry+), an enhanced product that addresses those concerns head-on.
  • Empowerment: We kept the industry informed through blogs, webinars, and podcasts, tackling issues like Clean Slate initiatives, PII redactions, and jurisdictional challenges. We offered strategic insights and actionable advice, empowering CRAs to navigate the ever-changing landscape.
  • Resources: We established dedicated landing pages to offer CRAs the most up-to-date information on the significant obstacles the industry faced in 2023, for example, the Clean Slate Resource Center, our California DOB Tracker, and our Michigan Court Access Tracker.
  • Refinement: We rolled out 70+ NatCrim enhancements and fixes, significantly improving the quality and uptime of our product. (More on this to come!)

While these are just a few highlights, we take pride in the positive progress made in our mission to improve the lives of our customers and the background screening industry at large.

The Future is Bright

As we enter the new year, our focus remains unshifted while our passion grows. We are committed to continuous innovation, further elevating the customer experience, empowering CRAs, solving problems, and fostering knowledge sharing. Our vision for 2024 is to be at the forefront of positive change in the industry.

We’re excited about what lies ahead and even more excited to be your trusted data partner. From our Direct-Source Data criminal records solutions to our suite of verifications products and beyond, we are here to empower you with the data you need, when and how you need it. Reach out to us today, and let's discuss how we can help your CRA reach new heights in 2024.

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