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October 12, 2020 | Podcast

[Podcast] All about our military spouse hiring program


Here at SJV, we have been quietly filling more of our core research roles with military spouses. Recently, we’ve decided to make this official: going forward, we plan to focus on ilitary spouses as a core hiring initiative.

In today’s podcast, we go into detail about this new program.

To cover it, we’re joined by Scott Vanek (President and CEO), Kirk Lord (our Director of Talent Management), and two of the military veterans in our leadership: Bill Wilder (Air Force Veteran and COO at SJV) and Adam Devine (U.S. Army Veteran and Talent Management Process Leader at SJV.)

 We discuss:

  1. The employment challenges that military spouses deal with. 
  2. Why SJV thinks this program is so important.
  3. The early results, and what we’ve found makes military spouses such truly exceptional employees. 
  4. What kinds of jobs are available, and how to apply. 
  5. How this program is a win-win-win for military spouses, CRAs, and end users.

We hope that others in our industry will follow suit, because it truly is a win-win-win situation.