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November 29, 2022 | Automation

Maryland Miracle: InformData’s Direct-Source Data Delivers

It was great seeing so many of you at PBSA in September, hearing your stories of success and listening to your feedback on what you’d like to see more of from InformData. A common concern was recent changes in the Maryland court system that ground the industry to a near halt and we’re proud to announce that our Direct-Source Data® approach has produced a solution available to you now.  

Over the last several months, the industry has experienced a massive slowdown (and in many cases shutdowns) when conducting criminal background checks in Maryland. Most vendors and CRAs simply lost their ability to pull automated data from the courts. This drove up costs and turnaround times. The great news is that InformData saw the problem in the data supply chain and jumped in to implement a solution. Unfortunately, in our zeal to help everyone, turnaround time temporarily went from only a few short hours in April to a high of 153 hours in June. I know, the pain was felt by all.

We challenged our operations and engineering teams to identify a reasonable Direct-Source Data solution that allowed us to accommodate demand and expand access, while bringing turnaround time to an acceptable level.

Thanks to the ingenuity and efforts of these teams, we are pleased to share that we have modified our Direct-Source Data rules locally to deliver a solution that meets this directive with no sacrifice in quality. Turnaround times are now back to less than a day and capacity has been expanded to accommodate all volume fluctuations.  

This is Direct-Source Data at its best. Together as an industry, we identify challenges and then we, as your data supply chain partner identify solutions that help the background screening industry overcome these obstacles.

Another benefit of Direct-Source Data, reporting. We have a few options for you to choose from, in terms of how you want the data to be provided back.  Everyone’s needs are different, and we remain committed to being a CRA-friendly, flexible, innovative provider for all.  On top of that, the Direct-Source Data ‘HTML Audit Trail’ provides screenshots of the entire research and reporting process, ensuring the highest quality-driven result possible.

Please contact us to learn how to breathe new life into your Maryland court research and delight your customers.


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