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April 20, 2024 | Automation

How To Get Your Data Your Way, Every Time

Imagine receiving your background screening results formatted the way you and your end-users require them every time. Doesn’t that sound like a dream? With InformData’s MyWay ResultsTM, that dream can become a reality.

MyWay Results is a customizable solution that simplifies and streamlines the data formatting process so you can receive your data exactly how you need it.

How, you ask? Let’s dive in.

MyWay Results: Your Customizable Data Formatting Solution

Extracting and formatting criminal record data can be incredibly time-consuming and challenging. The culprit is the lack of standardized formats from diverse data sources and the fragmented nature of court records. And it’s no secret that having to manually format records is slow, error-prone, and costly.

That’s where MyWay Results steps in. MyWay Results utilizes a powerful, proprietary engine to automate the review and reformatting of data. This minimizes the need for manual intervention while guaranteeing that the output aligns with your desired content, syntax, and format.

Here's how it works:

Define Your Needs: Work with an InformData expert to outline your requirements. You can exclude non-conviction charges, adjust formatting, tailor results based on specific criteria, etc. The possibilities are endless.

MyWay Results Does the Rest: The system automatically applies your rules, ensuring the data you receive adheres to your exact specifications.

It’s that simple.

Customization for Every Need

MyWay Results offers a range of formatting and normalization options:

Standard Screening Guidelines: MyWay Results applies InformData’s default screening parameters, mimicking the work of a human data processor (someone who formats data manually).

For example, excluding cases with inconsistent identifiers or excluding cases beyond the requested scope. By automatically implementing these screening guidelines, MyWay Results ensures the integrity and reliability of your data.

Client Guidelines: These guidelines allow you to set custom rules specific to your organization’s requirements and expectations.

For example, clients can exclude ‘minor traffic’ cases (such as speeding, failure to yield, etc.) or adjust the formatting of the results to seamlessly integrate with their system.

State/Jurisdictional Guidelines: These guidelines are set based on the state or county a search is ordered in to ensure that it adheres to specific reporting standards and jurisdiction-specific nuances. State/Jurisdictional Guidelines are also used for client-specific rules in certain states or jurisdictions.

For example, if a client doesn’t want non-conviction cases except in California, we can exclude non-conviction cases everywhere except CA. It could even get more specific and exclude non-conviction cases everywhere except in Los Angeles, California.

Your Data Your Way

Once you set up your company’s specific rules, MyWay Results consistently delivers results that meet your requirements. No more wasting valuable time and resources manually formatting the data you receive from your data providers.

It’s important to note, too, that this technology isn’t just for background screening companies. If your business relies on people data for informed decisions, this solution can benefit you. Whether you’re in risk management, security, government, etc., MyWay Results can streamline your data processing to help your business achieve maximum competitiveness and accuracy while minimizing costs. 

Ready to experience the power of MyWay Results? Contact us today to explore the possibilities and get your data your way, every time.

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